
Filipino Spray & Wipe Custom Gets Him Fired

February 11th, 2009 · No Comments

The Filipinos’ use of the humble “tabo” in the toilet has caused some stir in Townsville.

 Amador Bernabe, 43, was fired from work simply because he chose to sprinkle and splash – rather than wipe it.

Fired for using "tabo-tabo"

Fired for using "tabo-tabo"



According to Lendle Ryan’s article in the Townsville Bulletin, Mr. Bernabe who was working with Townsville Industries was sacked for not using the toilet paper.

Mr. Bernabe, had a working visa and was employed as a machine operator at Townsville Engineering Industries.  His habit of bringing a bottle of water to the toilet caught the attention of his immediate supervisor and was told to do it the Aussie way.  When he refused, the foreman followed him to the toilet and he was subsequently sacked.

 Mr. Rick Finch, state organizer of the Australian Manufacturing Worker’s Union was absolutely disgusted with the incident.  “”I think it is atrocious, an invasion of a person’s rights and cultural beliefs,” he said.  “If it wasn’t so disgusting it would almost be laughable.”


It’s not culture but a matter of custom.  That little bucket (the ‘tabo’) is a fixture in most Filipinos’ toilets.  Either that, or the ‘bidet’ will be most visible.  The bidet is that little toilet attachment that provides the sprinkle when you tinkle. This little French luxury has been around 1700s and has been predominantly used in Europe and Asia.

 What the foreman does not know, is that it is not that Filipinos do not use toilet paper.  They wipe and splash with their “tabo” to ensure absolute cleanliness. But surely, what anyone does behind close doors is no one’s business as long as it does not interfere with one’s work. 

Australia will have to catch up with the times and either start installing bidets in bathrooms or providing ‘wet ones.’


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