
Victorian Bushfire Appeal

February 11th, 2009 · No Comments

Newly elected President of the Philippine Community Council, Ronaldo Villaver, has reacted quickly in the light of the recent Australian disaster. Villaver  is calling on all Filipinos to extend their help for the Victorian Bushfire Appeal.


“We ask you to dig deep and donate to this appeal,” said Villaver.



Donations may be made by depositing to the PCC-NSW Account at Westpac.  The BSB:   032 044  Account Number:   682185 .  Please mark deposit slips “Bushfire Appeal”.  Once deposit has been made, please advice by phone on 0423 590 561 or by email:


The appeal starts on 10 February 2009 and ends on 10 March 2009.  All donations collected will be forwarded to the Red Cross.  Progress reports will be disseminated and posted at



Any queries, please contact PCC NSW President  Ronaldo Villaver on mobile-  0423 590 561 or email:


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