
The PCC Presidential Candidates

February 5th, 2010 · No Comments

The much contested PCC election is to be held on Sunday, 7 February 2010 at Chester Hill.  In an effort to provide the community relevant information for the forthcoming PCC elections, a profile of each presidential candidate has been collected and is presented below. 

The three candidates for the 2010 presidential seat include:  Cen Amores, Elsa Collado and Arturo Sayas.

Of the 3 candidates, Ms. Cen Amores declined for a phone interview and cited time constraints due to her campaigning schedule.  It is therefore unfortunate that we are unable to confirm facts and clarify some issues.  The information on Ms. Amores was contained in her resume as supplied.   

Cen Amores

Profession:  BA in Education (English & Filipino); Masters in Guidance Counseling and a Doctorate in Education (Educational Administration)

Current:   English Teacher at Granville and Liverpool TAFE and Workplace Trainer

Affiliation: VP- Filipino Cooperative and PCC (1 year) current VP-external; Past President Ilocano Assoc., Past Secretary, Kapitbahayan.

Achievement:  “poster girl for the recognition of overseas-trained teachers”; Committee Chair of PND Ball 2009; ‘Alay Kay Nanay” Mother’s Day Celebration (Ilocano Assoc.);  PCC Job search Workshop;  “Demonstrated cooking  Adobo at Auburn Festival”; Co-chair for Youth Forum;  Committee on reception and closing ceremony for Global Conference.

Personal Values:  Quality community service (as stated in her election flyer).

Message:  Not provided.

Elsa Collado

Profession:   Dentist

Current:   NSW Health Department

Affiliation:  President, Le Timetek; PCC (3 years) – current VP-internal,

Achievement: Increased awareness of Philippine Cultural and Heritage; Participation in ‘Abot-Kamay’ Ondoy Appeal 2009; Reciprocal Agreement for Senior Citizens; Independence Day celebrations 2007-2009; PADER;

Personal Values:  Passion, dedication, integrity and total commitment.

Message:  “I have strength of character, professional experience and the heart needed to be a leader in the Filipino community.  I wish to continue to promote our culture and heritage; make proper government representations on behalf of the community and raise the image of Filipinos in Australia that we may be able to stand equally with others in our chosen adopted country.”


Arturo Sayas

Profession:         Military Pilot, Philippine Air Force, Rank of Captain

Current:               Managing Director & Proprietor of Travel Agency (18 years)

Affiliation:   President, Aust-Phil Chamber of Commerce (APCCI),  VP for Global Filipinos, VP-Operations,  APSL; President, Kapisanan ng mga  Batangueños & Friends.

Achievements:  Chiefley Volunteer Award, Chairperson for ‘Abot-Kamay’ Ondoy Appeal 2009; consistent top agent for PAL; organization & promotion of Philippine Independence Day celebrations at Blacktown; Global Conference.

Personal values: Honesty, transparency and integrity.

Message:  “To better serve the interests of the community. It has been the drive to clean-up PCC  so that we are as one community and there are no political dynasties serving their own interests. “





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