The Philippine Community Council (pee-cee-cee) has been haunted with paranormal activities for years. Such activities were heightened around election time as ghost whisperers go through their rituals of breathing life onto dead clubs. It’s been a supernatural phenomenon that has plagued the community for years, although there really was nothing super or natural about it. Nothing paranormal – it was simply parang normal!
This year, however, braveheart, Ronaldo Villaver along with his team of Ghostbusters – Collado, Bulseco, and Manoto turned on the lights and drove the false spirits away. It was a long awaited clean up initiative which at the very least, would have served to resurrect the integrity of the organization.
The ghost whisperers and the lost souls with the semblance of humanoids made their apparition at the election although one would think it was a scene from Outer Limits. There were squeaks, squeals and some spoke in a gibberish fashion, hell bent on resurrecting and reviving the dead and one-member clubs. What was pretty clear was absence of logic. Yep, parang normal!
It was evident that some failed to understand the instructions and time frames which really could not be blamed on the Ghostbusters.
Most evident was the need to belong – somewhere, somehow. It was quite amazing how some humbugs were in complete denial of their non-existence. Definitely parang normal!
There were sudden apparitions from those who flaunted their sense of entitlement and who had a desperate need to vote – again, parang normal!
And so it became a battle between the Ghostbusters and the Ghost Whisperers which continues to date, long after the winners had been declared. As expected, the fractious group simply could not accept defeat and that their ghastly operation had been busted wide open. Some of the ghosts have been absolutely relentless, refusing to move on towards the light that they are now wanting to start their own mystic circle. And what is really frightening is that some sensible few are being carried away with torrent of fear and emotions.
As for this group of ghost whisperers, well they could hold their gala night on Halloween or All Souls Day, or they could have séances at their headquarters at Pinegrove.
Those who have a strong need to belong may opt to join FAME. While PCC’s membership is limited to clubs and organizations, FAME’s membership allows for individuals.
And to all of us, mere mortals – fear not those creepy crawlies. Let us simply beware of ghostly apparitions and be on the lookout for blood-sucking creatures which may be vampires or simply bed bugs. If chilling apparitions persist, exorcism is still an option.