Are endings beginnings or are beginnings endings? I once again sit here anticipating the dawn of tomorrow while also reflecting on yesterday. As the new year rolls in, there’ll be more games played and people wanting to run some race, although the city to surf run would be an ideal starting point.
December was jam-packed with back-to-back Christmas parties. In all the jingling frenzy, I chose to quench my curiosity for the glaringly obvious Hapag production flaws and found myself on a wild goose chase in an attempt to piece the giant GK-Hapag puzzle.
Most fascinating was the fact that the generous souls were equally gullible. Even when a mountain of evidence was being presented, people chose to look the other way and play numb and dumb. Denial was in epileptic proportions and evident was the D-E-W effect – deny, evade and withdraw. People remained steadfast in what they wanted to believe, perhaps for their own safeguard and to justify their own erred decisions.
And to complete the year, Mr. Amores decided to throw in some fireworks for effect.
I understand that it wasn’t the night before Christmas nor was it a New Year’s when Mr. Amores decided to unleash his emotional outburst in front of Mr. Crescini accusing him of condoning my lies and furling more accusations about me getting paid for writing my articles.
Oh my, that’s chequebook journalism! In the spirit of the season, let us indulge Mr. Amores. For the record, I write based on my observations and experiences. I pursue answers to questions that play havoc in my mind during insomniac moments. I dig to satisfy my own curiosity when something quite does not gel and to help those aggrieved. I have been paid for writing in various disciplines. It has been my career for the last 30 years. However, since the eighties, writing for the Filipino papers has been done gratis et amore . My ultimate responsibility is to the invisible silent majority, not to the visible noise- makers. Perhaps ,Mr. Amores’ charming explosion was simply a display of his leadership and a result of his own mirroring. Since my column appears on two papers, I can’t help wonder why his outburst was only directed on Crescini and not on Perdon? But I think I know why?
In the spirit of the season, a wise and peace-loving man suggested community reconciliation. However, as I pondered on the possibility – I wondered who really is to blame?
Does the blame go to those who are unable to shake off their attitudes and control their delusional egos; or those who prefer to swing to both sides if only to ingratiate themselves? . The kakilala-kumpadre system prevails.
Perhaps, equally to blame are the title-holders, who dangle the carrots resulting to a mad scramble for a perceived piece of power. Organizers may choose to invite all for peace sake and that’s great, but eventually, a decision for “the one” has to be made. There cannot be two. To allow two simply plays into the hands of some of these egotistical maniacs if only to boost ticket sales; to ingratiate themselves; and for politicians – to get votes. In the end , no one is any wiser and there are no winners.
Perhaps too, message givers, sponsors and donors should exercise more caution before lending their name or presence to something that is obviously of poor quality and of no distinct advantage to the Filipino.
And for their own good, I wish Filipinos would look before they leap, without fear or favour.
Ahhh, maybe this year, I just might go smell the flowers. And by the way, seeing the big O in the flesh was “O..what a feeling!”