
Silliman Alumni Bask in Splendour

November 28th, 2011 · No Comments


The Silliman University Alumni Association Sydney Australia Chapter Inc.  (SUAASACI) successfully celebrated their first ever event last 5 November 2011 at Marconi Club at Bossley Park, Sydney. 

Underneath glittering stars it was indeed as promised, a ‘Night of Splendour” marked with classic overtones.  And a wave of nostalgia swept the room as the Silliman song was played against a backdrop of school photos transporting the once-upon-a-time students to where it all began. 

It was a class act all the way as Sillimanians and their guests were serenaded by the superb vocals of Dex de Rosa who brilliantly opened the show with “Love is a Many Splendour Thing”.  Another power-packed performer was Cleo Diana who performed on her own and then joined Dex in a heart-throbbing duet.  The show was hosted by Rod Dingle.

Highlight of the event was a specially choreographed number by Silliman’s pride, Lucy Jumawan-Sauer to the tune of “Bituin Marikit”.  Titled “Movement Expressions”, it was a tribute to the stars.  It was art in motion combining basic movements with traditional folk dance steps and the Sillimanians did it proud dressed in their classic Filipino “terno” outfits.   

Special guests included Ambassador Belen Anota, newly appointed Ambassador to Australia and Consul General Anne Jalando-on Louis, Philippine Consulate General in Sydney.

(Photo: Sillimanian, Delilah Villahermosa presenting Amabassador Anota with a bouquet of flowers.)

Although the alumni association was started back in 1989, this is their first attempt to hold a public event for the dual purpose of an alumni get-together and a fundraising activity.  Proceeds from the occasion will go towards the purchase mammogram facilities to help in the fight against breast cancer in the Philippines.   Another recipient of the charity event is the Talay Mental Rehabilitation Center in Dumaguete City.

SUAASACI President Alice Dumlao being a breast cancer survivor herself has pledged her total  commitment to the cause and says: “This is only the beginning of our journey.  This is an attempt to show the face of Silliman here in Australia as a Philippine institution of higher learning whose graduates continue to live up to the University’s Christian ideals.”


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