
Filipino Attempts Global Run

November 29th, 2011 · No Comments

Marathon runner, Cesar Guarin embarked last month on his run around Australia as part of his ultimate quest to complete his run around the globe in the next four years.  

Guarin is a father of four and a fine arts graduate from the University of the Philippines is determined to finish the global run to bring pride and honour to the Filipino.  “The Filipino is worth running for,” says Guarin. 

Trekking around the globe, he will be the first Filipino to accomplish such feat and will be the fourth recognised global runner.  To date, only three have been recognised: Robert Garside (Great Britain), Rosie Swale-Pope (Switzerland) and Jasper Olsen (Denmark).

The global run is divided into 12 stages and Guarin is now on the 4th stage. He has finished  his run throughout the Philippines, Canada and the USA.  Upon completion of the Australian phase, he will then tackle the 5th stage of the global run in February 2012 battling the sweltering heat and terrain in the Middle East and then readies himself for London-Norway Run.   For each target detination, he runs for 8 hours daily between 30 to 90 days, covering thousands of kilometres.

Wherever he runs, he is greeted by a group of Filipino well-wishers.  For his Sydney stop at Olympic Park, Homebush, he was greeted by  members of the Philippine Community Council of NSW and FAME along with other community leaders, friends and the Philippine Consul General Anne Jalondo-on Louis.

Guarin’s journey is the Filipino migrant’s journey met with trials and tribulations along the way.  It’ll be a test of human endurance and courage.  Guarin undoubtedly has the qualities needed to run to the end which is targeted for 2015.

Tied in to his global run challenge is Guarin’s “Child’s First Step Initiative”, an advocacy project to help raise awareness for children strickened with poverty in the Philippines.

“I don’t see myself stopping from running because I enjoy the meditative part of it.” says Guarin.  “So kahit may edad na tayo, I believe I will still run,” he adds.

And when he has completed the ultra marathon challenge of his life, it will not only be a personal triumph but a triumph for all Filipinos.

Photo below show the Cesar Guarin and community well-wishers at Oplympic Park, Homebush.

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