
All In A Day’s Work

February 23rd, 2012 · No Comments

It’s a Sunday afternoon and at a function room in Blacktown, a small group had assembled.  The mood subdued; the feeling intense. And as if Mother Nature was asked to collaborate and provide the special effects, a storm was raging outside.  Everybody seemed to be tip-toeing and speaking in hushed tones.

A man at the centre of the room stood confident and in command. His arms pointing at all directions.  Everyone anxiously waiting to hear him say the word “next” and on cue they scamper around to assume their positions.

There was a ready audience too.  Parents, partners and friends all dedicated to bring to life a slice of our historical past.  They were deeply immersed in the scene.  They were caught up in the emotions of the moment as they watched Rizal being dragged to the centre of the clearly marked area.  They were mesmerized and as the man shouts “fade lights”, the crowd chokes back tears and breaks into a thundering applause.

It was the rehearsals for “Her Son, Jose Rizal” which is planned for the Campbelltown Arts Centre on Friday, 9, and Saturday, 10 March 2012 at 7pm, and matinee shows scheduled on the Saturday, 10 March and Sunday, 11 March at 2pm. The Rizal Park Movement has taken on the challenge to stage the theatre piece in commemoration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal with Elsa Collado as the production manager.   

The man standing at the centre of the room was director, Larry Tolentino who breathes new life into  Philippine National Artist Leonor Orosa Goquingco’s masterpiece “Her Son, Jose Rizal” and drawing out the best from each of the cast members.

Angelo Refuerzo takes on the lead role, as Rizal.

Angelo Refuerzo takes on the lead role, as Rizal.

Angelo Refuerzo takes on the lead role of Rizal along with Gerard Jalando-on Louis as Pepe, the young Rizal and Elijah “Ylai” Merjudio as an alternate for young Pepe. Tom Baena is Rizal in the cell and who sets the backdrop of the times in his narration.



Playing the pivot role of Doña Teodora is Isabel Delgado bringing with her, her theatre background from Repertory Philippines.  Also playing Doña Teodora is Belen Mendoza. 

Soledad is played Marianne Cuasing and Isajane Noble; Rochelle Montaua and Isabelle Montillano share the role of young Choleng; Rie Manaloto although a novice in theatre placed on a powerful performance along with experienced stage actor Patrick Patacsil share the role of Paciano, Rizal’s brother according to their age. Tom Merjudio will also play alternate for the character.

Supporting cast include: Danny Rosales as Governor Izqueirdo; Bob Mendoza as the priest; and Ruperto Demonteverde alternating for both roles of the priest and Governor Izquierdo, Bob Mendoza as the Priest and Gerry Musa as the Mayor.

Perhaps even more amazing were the young talents who patiently waited their turns, occupying themselves with games on their ipad. But as soon as called upon to deliver their lines, they obliged with gusto and unbelievable intensity.   Little Rochelle Montua cried her heart out in one scene and as soon as it was over, simply went back to her ipad.

All proceeds from the staging of this Rizal Play will go to the Rizal Park Movement of Campbelltown for the much anticipated installation of the Rizal statue which is expected to eventuate in June at the newly developed Rizal Park in Campbelltown. 

The cast and crew have definitely lived up to Rizal’s own words “to be better than they.”  They will make you proud.  The story will move you.


For enquiries:                                                                                                                                

Lita Smith on 0412 269 494; Aida Duyvestyn on 9820 8007; Maris Manoto on 0404 085 315.


Tags: Features