
The Naked Truth

April 26th, 2012 · No Comments

Ouch they say!  Hit people with the naked truth and they convulse into mental spasms.  Their defenses instantaneously go up lying for their own protection or they quiver behind the sin of omission. Others sulk and have a little cry-cry to garner sympathy from the more vulnerable.  Others transform themselves into unstoppable vicious, vindictive creatures attacking everyone in their way without cause or reason and manipulating the gullible as their allies.  Sadly those with fragile little egos fall prey and are unknowingly bamboozled into believing their lies.

For some, when the rapture of anger has passed, they simmer down, feeling embarrassed and apologetic.  But without a tinge of remorse, a likely repeat is bound to happen.

Some unable to face the truth slip into a comatose of denial, shrugging their shoulders and walking away for fear of being alienated.  Some would rather swallow the sugar coated articles jam-packed with superlatives even if it bears no semblance to the truth.  Others play goodie two shoes and say they won’t read anything negative.  “Too negative,” they cringe! To which I would kindly say they had better look closer or just lock themselves into their little worlds and throw the key away. And then of course there are those who think that we shouldn’t air our dirty laundry. “Shame, shame,” they cry.   On the contrary, I personally feel that it should be aired before it contaminates the rest of us.  Ever heard of spring cleaning?

Like it or not – the truth is the truth!  People may have their own version of the truth but the facts remain the same.  Is it better to have the negative truth or the positive fairy-flossed lie? 

While it would be nice to write about sugar and spice and all things nice unfortunately the reality is that life isn’t so.  There aren’t much smiling babies around lately.  We live in an imperfect world inhabited by less than perfect humans.  Badies and the dysfunctional do exist.  Sycophants circle around us fanning egos to ingratiate themselves.   

But what about the victims who have had to endure?  No one sees them. No one hears them.  In hushed tones, they complain a little or suffer in silence for fear of recrimination while the culprits remain steadfast in their perverse thinking and more resolute in their omissions.

The responsibility of delivering the information whether negative or the positive lies with the media.  The public, the community relies on the media to deliver accurate information.  It may not be always what is liked but it is what is needed.  It may be negative but it is factual.  However, the factual and accurate delivery of the message is dependent on the credibility of the writer and the media.  And lately it would seem that some are indulging the wrong.  In exchange for cash or kind the desired publicity or a press ally may be had  – with a few extra adjectives thrown in for good measure.  When world class comes at a price, then we do have something to worry about. Others just simply have no clue!

If the media never exposed the truth where would be now?  We would probably still be stuck somewhere in the Marcos era or wallowing in Eraptions.  Now even former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is on the same boat.  Hooray to the media who aired it out.

In the real world, when an individual steps into the public arena declaring that they represent the community or public at large, then they become answerable and subject to public and media scrutiny. The same rule should apply to our community.  Why should the standards be any different?  Why should we be exempt?  

Regrettably some fall on their own swords. Sadly some won’t even know the truth even when it hits them.

And that’s the truth!


Tags: Grey Matter