Life could be simpler – would be simpler, if people followed the rules of organizations. Better still, if egos were kept in check and out of the way. Otherwise, the members are thrown in confusion and the organization fraught with chaos.
Some however prefer to make changes. Change is good but it depends on the timing of such change and who really benefits from the change. Quite often, the timing reveals true intentions and you can smell a rat out to nibble a slice of cheese.
It seems that the latest victim of club mishaps is Philippine Australian Community Services Inc. or better known as PACSI.
I was invited to attend the PACSI Elections but missed out on the actual election day. I was invited again to attend a special general meeting and this time I made the extra effort to attend. Apparently, the elections did not proceed as planned as all hell broke loose when the term of office was being changed from four years to six years. Elections were postponed until a positive outcome for the change was had. PACSI’s current constitution allows for a re-election for up to four terms and with a break of two years before being allowed to run for office again. So obviously, someone wanted to stay a little longer.
One year is too short for a good President and too long for a bad one. But four years is definitely more than enough to prove anyone’s worth.
I was welcomed by President, Ms. Julie Nuñez and was ushered into a room packed with Senior Citizens who were even transported by a special bus. Clearly, tension was in the air.
Deliberations went on re the pros and cons of the motion and Mr. Pilau spoke in favour of the change. His reasoning was “it was discriminating” not to allow the sitting President the opportunity to run again. However by definition of discrimination, only those in power can discriminate. Therefore, the poor members who really do not have the power cannot discriminate. It would also be equally discriminating not to allow others to run for office.
After all that, the vote was “NO”….nix, nix for a 6 year term. The members also set the election date for 9 August. However as of press time, I understand that the management committee had disregarded the body’s choice of date and has chosen their own date. Why another extension?
What I realized was that Ms. Nuñez and some others have now reached their four years and were eyeing on extended stays. When I asked Ms. Nuñez why, she replied “oh, we’re not too legalistic.” The question is why not?
When people allow little rules to be bent for friendship sake or on a whim, trouble starts. Besides, even if the six year term was approved, little did they know that it would have been applicable for next year – not this year.
As the elections were interrupted and postponed, the current management committee would only have residual powers until the rescheduled election date. Their main task would be to hold the elections immediately, to ensure the running of the office, and to effect the smooth transition of office. No major decisions should be made.
However, such is not the case. The management has set out to dismiss/expel two members whose actions they allege have been prejudicial and detrimental to PACSI’s reputation.
As a guest, I also observed that the actual community support workers did not have a say. Their positions carried an automatic gag order. Quite frankly, I would see it as the reverse. It is the workers that are in direct contact with those who are in need of help and therefore they should be consulted and should have a say in the day to day operations.
Also, it seems that discussions have been had between management and the workers with regards their “timesheets.” Where timesheets are required to be filled in, overtime should also apply. Besides there are jobs that simply cannot and should not be tied to a timesheet. Can you imagine talking to a domestic violence victim and the clock strikes 5 o’clock pm, and you quickly grab your bag and ask the client to hold their tears until the next day? It does not work that way! What is obvious is that the management does not understand how the services are conducted. I for one have never had to fill a time sheet in my whole working life.
PACSI is now 25 years old. Its establishment is attributed to Linda Sword’s initiative in the late 80s and Jess Diaz can also take credit for that. But all the social workers who did the walk and talk should share the credit for what PACSI is today. It definitely does not belong to one person. Oh, read my lips!