After a stressful and disquieting four months, peace has been restored in the Philippine Australian Community Services Inc. (PACSI). Stephen Bali, Councilor of Blacktown City Council and AWU Vice President stepped in and offered to mediate.
With mediation, the differences have been settled and both groups have come up with resolutions to benefit the membership and the community. Both factions “had the best interest of PACSI at heart and worked hard at it” said Mr. Bali.
The padlocks have now been removed and it is back to business as what PACSI has been known to do and that is serving the Filipino community.
“There was a lot of passion and for some it was hard to let go” said Mr. Bali. Previous management decisions have been reversed. Those who have been expelled, Naty Millarez and Teresita Indolos have resumed their roles in PACSI. Likewise, all community workers who were dismissed, Sumcad, Cabaero and Glasson have now been reinstated.
The elections of 9 August had been void but the outgoing management’s bid for elections on 23 August has also been cancelled. Instead a new election has been scheduled for 14 September. In the spirit of goodwill, those on the nomination list of last April 20 are able to run. Four of the outgoing management committee members, to include, Nuñez, Pilao and Del Villar, having served their four year terms, are no longer eligible to run for positions.
Since elections were suspended in April, PACSI has been in turmoil as outgoing management chose to disregard members’ wishes and their own constitution. “We can only hope that the 14 September election is final and proceeds without any untoward incident” said a PACSI member. PACSI will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year.