
Gallop Away 2014

January 9th, 2014 · No Comments

It’s a brand new dawn. It’s a new day, a whole new year and it’s the year of the Horse!

2013 has been a year of mixed emotions. Highs and lows all rumbled up which saw the best and worst in us and towards the end, no one really knew what was what.  It was indeed a year of entertainment.  Our Filipino bands rocked the RSL clubs.  Performers from home graced our shores and paraded their wares throughout the year.  But some of our local talents stood out as ever so promising ….Brian Lorenz, Cleo Diana, Marcus Rivera, Nanette Ursua, Marilyn Mendez, Dexter, and Louie George.   But there were also those who entertained only themselves.

Our beauties glowed as they took home the international beauty titles; our sporting heroes waved our flag – the PNRL, PAL Tamaraws clinched the 2nd Asia Cup; Jason Day made his mark on the greens;  and of course, Manny Pacquiao proved he was once again the ‘Lord of the ring’.

But sadly, we were jolted by pork barrels scandals, rocked by earthquakes and ravaged by typhoons.  Through it all, as a people, we survived the man-made disasters and natural calamities proving once again our resiliency that even Anderson Cooper, CNN’s ace journalist could not resist admiring.


Now for our 2013 B’ALIW AWARDS:  Most Popular Individual/Group goes to Elsa Collado and her G.I. party brigade, Millie Banan, Espie Pogson, Lily Innes who never skipped a beat, never missed an affair, come rain or shine.  At every forum and concert, from racing to gaming, patintero’ man or ‘tumbang-preso – they were there, as witnessed by facebook.

Entertainment Award goes to the VSD Dancers who brought dancing to a whole new comic level that it would have shamed Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Environment Award goes to Julie Nuñez who made the PACSI Office the safest place in Blacktown with a double-padlock at the door that even the members could not get in.

Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Alric Bulseco for the many roles he played in PCC all year.  He has evolved from the flying Eagle to Jack the Ripper (this was a great imitation) and of course, Rebel without a Cause and The Defiant One.  Most recently, he even got the peace-maker award (but I may have that wrong….I wonder….if they said…peace…piece…or piss.)

The Charity Award goes to all those who fundraised but forgot they needed fundraising permits, but did not forget the cameras and videos.  A special mention to those who found a way to step on stage to donate OPMs – (other people’s money).

“Forgive and forget” was the catchphrase – so moving on, we’ll forget those unnamed private bank accounts that were floating around emails as recipients for donations; let’s forget all those charity events without fundraising permits; and let’s also forget those over 300 boxes of relief goods still sitting in someone’s warehouse waiting for the next typhoon to be sent.

The outpouring of support for Haiyan victims has been deeply moving.  Individuals as well as corporations, of all nationalities and ideologies, came to the rescue.  We specially acknowledge the real givers – all those who dug deep into their pockets and gave quietly minus the fuss and razzmatazz.  Special mention to the Philippine Australian Medical Association (PAMA) who sent a team of doctors immediately;  the nurses who took collections; and Sean Lynch, Filipino-Australian rugby league player who took on the daunting task of fundraising for his mother’s homeland.  On behalf of the Filipino people, may I say, Thank You Australia for all your support.

And may I offer you my top 10 suggestions to survive in our community: (10) Find a cause to attach yourself to even if you are the cause; (9) Sing, dance…whatever, just do something;  (8)  buy a ticket…make a pledge – donate – even if you never really give it; (7) Arrive late, it gives the impression of being busy or important; (6) Do not plan.  Act spontaneously for it shows enthusiasm; (5) Drop a few names to show you’re well connected;  (4) Do not ask.  When in doubt, smile;   (3) Add letters before (eg. Dr.) and after your name (eg. JP) to impress;   (2) Always ask for a discount; and (1) always be ready for those photo ops and plaster them on facebook.

And now, let’s gallop through the bright blue yonder in search of better things to come in 2014 and hopefully we see better leaders along the way.


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