
Out Of Focus

November 25th, 2014 · No Comments

As migrants we suffer from bouts of loneliness. In search of companionship, we gravitate towards people, akin to us. To fill the void within us, we attach to individuals and groups with similar likes and dislikes, or for that matter with same backgrounds.

Most groups are formed with the best intentions, be it for geographical, educational, religious, the arts or for professional reasons.  It starts with our usual beso-beso, but over time, maintaining and growing the club or organization presents problems.  With constant leadership and membership turnover, the original vision and direction of the group dissipates. Add to the equation, the colourful wannabes and other characters, and you’ve got the recipe for madness.   Their reason for being is negated and only the leader’s (or that of the board/committee) whims are implemented.  Lately, it’s been a little confusing as organizations have developed myopic visions or have gone cross-eyed. Leaders are activity driven – not purpose driven. And when they can think no more, they resort to fundraising, the sure way to be seen and praised. 

Then again, for some, a turnover may not even be considered.  Change is a dirty word.  For them, it’s a case of I was, so I still am and ever will be. However, lacking in imagination, they are drawn into repetitive patterns which they now call tradition.  No one dares examine whether it is still relevant to the times or circumstances.  Some are way past their “used by dates” but are still holding on like leeches.  Letting go is excruciating and they are stuck in their own abyss of make believe, drowning in their own self-importance. 

By now, most organizations have either reached their 25 years anniversary; have past it or are fast approaching the all important milestone.  Such groups include:  the national body, Filipino Communities Council of Australia (FILCCA); the state body, the Philippine Community Council of NSW (PCC-NSW); the Senior Citizens groups (PASCI and SAFSI); the Filipino Cooperative, PACSI, PASC (the Fiesta group) and of course, let’s not forget the MPC group who should by now be celebrating 25 years of nothingness. 

These groups are out of focus or are lost in space, and foresight is out of the question. It is time to take stock before they lose it completely, although the evaluation should have been done much sooner.   These groups simply need to stop, re-evaluate and re-think their directions because a complete realignment is urgently needed.  It would seem that everybody wants to do everything and anything and their only justification is “because we can!” 

Some groups have remained buoyant only with the help of the inflated egos of the leaders who continue to persist to be seen.  Rules are changed as they please, when they please.   Judging by the latest FILCCA conference, it is pretty obvious that some have no clue.  Topics were picked as they please with not much concern or relevance to the community they represent.  And they wonder why no one wants to go?!  But, the leaders are stubborn, clueless and choose to display their usual arrogance.   One group can’t even remember what year they were born and that’s a cause for concern.

Perhaps we should throw in too, those with niche targets like the Filipino Australian Movement for Empowerment (FAME) and the Global.  They should be evaluating themselves too. Although still young, an assessment would not go astray, if they really have intentions of growing the club.

Rather than “gaya-gaya” (copycat), clubs should stick to what they were meant to do and do it right. Oh, and check the area of jurisdiction and expertise.  No trespassing. Unless you’re in the medical profession, please do not attempt to give us a seminar on health.  If you’re a lead, then lead, don’t attempt to entertain.  That way, there would more variety; cover more ground; better collaboration; and you would tap those with the genuine expertise.  That would mean less of the “same-o- same-o”, no overlaps and less fights, if that’s at all possible.  And at least attending a meeting won’t feel like a wrestling match.

Some clubs have evolved into “barkadas” fronting events in the name of the organization that is close to meltdown. They appoint or anoint only ‘chosen ones’ who are willing to agree to everything or close their eyes to misdeeds.  It’s a case of you scratch my back and I scratch yours but unfortunately, the itch never goes away.  It’s scary to think they are representing us! 

On the other hand, it’s also amusing how they dare to call themselves a team, when the reality is everyone wants to be the coach and/or everyone wants to be the scorer.  The result is everyone is calling the shots in a screaming mad match and in the end, no one really scores!  But what is really frightening, is that these people are representing us!

And if they insist and persist, perhaps, a name change should be effected.  They can all themselves M-A-S….the Mutual Admiration Society.  Then, at least, we’ll all understand what they’re on about.

Tags: Grey Matter