January is usually the friendliest time of the year as presidential hopefuls are at their busiest best campaigning for the much coveted post in the Philippine Community Council of NSW (PCC-NSW). This year, the PCC elections is scheduled for February 16, 2020. It’s time when the Peak Body turns to “pick a buddy”!

This year, it’s ALRIC BULSECO vs. DEMI ROBINSON. In the interest of the community and to get to know the candidates better, Jun Relunia invited both candidates to a public debate. Demi Robinson accepted but Alric Bulseco declined stating that the affiliates already knew who they would vote for when they came to the elections.
In the absence of a debate, below is information on the candidates so the voters may get to know them and make informed decisions. Let’s check out this year’s candidates for PCC President.
ALRIC BULSECO is the incumbent hoping for a second term. Bulseco of course is no stranger to the community having done the rounds at social events for years. He’s originally from Davao and proudly claims to be an Atenean. Over the years, Bulseco has represented Ateneo, his alma mater and when he was no longer endorsed by Ateneo, moved to represent at one time, BayBay and friends and more recently has migrated his allegiance to the Australian Visayas organization (AusVis).
He first arrived on the PCC scene as the flying voter in 2007. He clinched a seat on the Board in 2009. Since then, he’s warmed up the Vice President seat for 11 years for the PCC-NSW until he finally found the courage, with lots of friendly persuasion, to aim for the top post last year and won the Presidential seat. Bulseco claims to have worked with seven former PCC presidents. The truth however is quite the contrary as he has opposed the past presidents at every turn except those who belonged to his inner circle. As proved once again to be the king of double standards, when at last year’s Philippine National Day Ball, Bulseco cried for unity – another contradiction. He’s flip-flopped and has made a 180 degrees turn but I can’t help but wonder if he has managed to bring back those individuals and clubs he pushed out of PCC with his antics. Below are his answers to our questions:
What have you done for PCC? “I have served for 11 years on the PCC Board. The PCC is a collegial body and it is done by the body not by one person. The President will not be able to do it, even if it was Kate Andres, without the support of the other Board members. I was there assisting the previous presidents. Look at what happened to Jun Relunia. He had plans but it did not get off the ground. You can come up with plans but without the support of your team, you cannot do anything.”
What will you do for PCC this year? “I am planning to meet with my new team on the long holiday weekend and we will have a platform statement by Monday, which we will then release to the media.” (Unfortunately due to press deadlines, we are unable to wait for his statement. Neither did Bulseco offer any alternative plans of his own.)
What leadership qualities do you possess? “The passion to serve and that will bring out the best in you.”
DEMI ROBINSON is the brave challenger at this year’s PCC elections. She hails from Bicol and has served in PCC for three years in various capacities, i.e. as PCC Director in 2016, as Treasurer in 2017 and as the Internal Auditor last year. Robinson is a familiar face around the Bicolanos and is best known for her association with the Bicol communities League, being her place of birth. She has also served in various other clubs, a cultural group in Cairns where she once lived; as the Secretary of the Ateneo Alumni Association, and more recently as the Business Manager for the Sonata Singers although she admittedly says “I don’t sing.” Robinson is fearless and meets the challenges head on as she has proven time and time again and when she got involved in the PASKO event at Darling Harbour. She tackles her responsibilities with aplomb. Below are the answers to our questions:
What have you done for PCC? “In my previous positions in PCC, I have taken on responsibilities and completed the tasks at hand and displayed a high degree of efficiency. In my term of office, As I am an accountant by profession, I have provided a monthly profit and loss statement for the Board, audited financial reports, and served as the chairperson for the souvenir program for the PASKO events in Tumbalong Park.”
What will you do for PCC this year? “I bear in mind that I am there to serve, not just the chosen few, but the general community. I hope to bring my accounting and financial acumen into PCC to revise old, outdated financial practices to ensure a good financial standing for the PCC. Unfortunately, PCC has been suffering losses for the past two years. I hope to have open communication with the affiliates and the community to foster better relations and cooperation. I think, it is time to change the culture that exists in PCC. Together with the team, I hope to lift the profile and image of PCC, and restore its image as the respectable peak Filipino community body.”
What leadership qualities do you have? “A leader should have integrity, accountability and experience and should serve with humility. A leader should know where to lead their team!”
We can only hope that the voters will look at both of the above-mentioned candidates and judge for themselves who would best serve the interests of the community and PCC. People voting should realize that the decisions they make will have long term effects.
May they vote without fear of being excluded from the social circles after all it may make them a little dizzy!