
Ceasefire to Celebrate PCC’s 30th Anniversary

September 29th, 2020 · No Comments

By:  Benjie de Ubago

The Philippine Community Council of NSW (PCC-NSW) was born on September in 1990. To celebrate its foundation day, a temporary ceasefire was declared by ten of the past presidents. In view of health restrictions, a simple get-together was organized last Saturday, 26 September 2020.  It was intended as a get-together of appreciation to those who served in PCC – open to all those who contributed to PCC, the pioneers, presidents, supporters and the affiliates – all of whom make up the organization.

It was attended by affiliates, previous PCC directors, friends and long time supporters of PCC. Following tradition, the former presidents along with PCC co-founder, Sennie Masian also had a short tree planting ceremony. 

Previous PCC Presidents: (L-R) Villaver, Manalo, Andres-Chun, Beed, Sayas, Soliman, Masian and Andres.

“There was plenty of food but more importantly it was good to catch up with those we haven’t seen for a long time” said one attendee. Former presidents spoke of their respective terms of office.  

Tree planting .

Despite the problems looming, it was good to stop, reflect and express gratitude to those who contributed to PCC throughout the years. And a good time was had by all.   

Bulseco Slams Picnic as Divisive

The well intended get-together would have been the perfect opportunity to reach out and mend differences, if only for a day. The outdoor event on Saturday, September 26 at Blacktown Showground was a mini-reunion not an anniversary celebration. The PCC Board members were welcome to attend if they so wished. Unlike Bulseco who keeps alienating those who do not agree with him, this event  

However, sadly, the release of the 30th flyer for a get together on the actual month when PCC was founded threw Alric Bulseco and his allies in frenzy.  Bulseco, who has already been slapped with a Vote of No Confidence on August 30, immediately released a statement denouncing the gathering as divisive and unauthorized.

Bulseco further states “PCC stands firm and united?” How ironic! Bulseco is forgetting who is PCC-NSW?  PCC is neither the President nor its sitting Board, and not their chosen ones.   If PCC claims to be the peak organization of the Filipino community, then it must remain inclusive – all stakeholders – the pioneers, the former presidents and those who served through the past 30 years. It includes all its supporters and most of all, the affiliates, who without whom, there would be no PCC-NSW.

Elsa Collado (PCC President 2010 & 2013) posted on face book the PCC event scheduled in January 2021 with Serna Ladia (PCC President 2017-2018) singing praises. Collado claimed “We’re all in this together” but the reality is far from it because those who are in agreement with them are invited.  Anyone who disagrees or asks a question is out.  The posting was insidious and obviously meant to confuse and dissuade people from going to the picnic!

What I cannot understand, is why they would take it the wrong way?  It was organized with “the purest of intentions” and as the invitation was extended to them, they could have joined Besides the Bulseco and the PCC Board did not plan for any activity scheduled in September. So what was divisive?  Their scheduled activity was scheduled in January 2021 – four months after the actual PCC anniversary. Of course, their unthinking ways was blamed on Covid. But really, they could have come up with some activity. I can think of three immediately!   Besides organisational anniversaries are not celebrated for only a day. It should have been an all year celebration.


29 September 2020

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