
Filipinos Included in the NSW Multicultural Media Awards

November 25th, 2020 · No Comments

The impact of COVID-19 on migrant and diverse communities is a theme which resonated strongly amongst the winners of the 2020 Premier’s Multicultural Communications Awards.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Acting Minister for Multiculturalism Geoff Lee announced the winners in an online awards ceremony today.

“Congratulations to all our multicultural media outlets who have been recognised in an incredibly competitive field,” Ms Berejiklian said.

“The winners demonstrated the real impacts of COVID-19 on our communities and the invaluable role multicultural media plays in connecting with people who speak languages other than English in our State.”

The Lifetime Achievement Award was awarded to Benjie de Ubago for her 35 years of outstanding contribution to the Filipino community media. Ms. De Ubago who has worked for Channels 7 and 9, Sydney, and has fused her journalistic and creative skills in the implementation of marketing campaigns.

Benjie de Ubago

In her response, Benjie de Ubago said: “For four decades, I have lived by the code to write right. I am simply an information spreader, the purveyor of truth for the community. I thank everyone for their support.  It is an absolute honour.”

“Congratulations to our finalists. It’s fantastic to recognise all our multicultural communicators,” Mr Lee said.

Handog Pinoy, a non-profit Filipino organization was one of the three finalists in the Marketing campaign category for their Bushfire Appeal. Chairman Mr. Mao de Vera said: “Considering the competition was tough, this was a great honour.  We are glad to be part of our multicultural society and to have been able to give back in some little way.  To all who believed in a good cause, our donors, supporters and to the hard working team of Handog Pinoy, this is for us.

To the Bobin Community, who inspired us with their resilience, fighting spirit and  courageous attitude of never ever giving up. She’ll be ‘right mate! Thank you very much!”

“We are proud the NSW Government delivers the most comprehensive multicultural communications awards program in the country.”

The NSW Government also announced a new Multicultural Support Grants Program as part of the awards ceremony which will also support the multicultural media sector.

“We are delighted to announce $1 million funding for community and media organisations to assist in the COVID-19 recovery and continue their excellent work in helping to keep NSW safe,” said Mr Lee.

“Grants of up to $10,000 for multicultural media outlets will be made available to engage with new and existing audiences in innovative ways as they respond to the pandemic.”

Full list of winners is below. For more information about the awards visit:

2020 Premier’s Multicultural Communications Award Winners

Agency Campaign of the Year – Etcom – “Speak Out” Domestic Violence campaign

AFL NSW/ACT Community Campaign of the Year – Addison Road Community Organisation and Inner West Multicultural Network – Podcast on Racism campaign

CommBank Business Campaign of the Year – South Eastern Local Health District – “Shisha No Thanks” campaign

Publication of the Year – O Kosmos Insight Series

Best Audio-Visual Report – Marty Smiley, SBS The Feed – ‘Shadow Workers’

Best Audio Report – Maram Ismail, SBS Arabic24 – ‘My Arab Identity’

Best Print Report – Neena Bhandari, Inter Press Service – ‘Modern Slavery in Asia Pacific fueled by poverty, migration, and weak governance’

Young Journalist of the Year – Daniel Nour

Best Use of Digital or Social Media – Sydney Today – ‘COVID-19 campaign’

Alan Knight Student Award – Georgios Platias

Public Interest Award – ABC Asia Pacific Newsroom – ‘Coronavirus pandemic sparks racist attacks against Asian Australians’

Lifetime Achievement Award – Ms. Benjie de Ubago

25 November 2020

Tags: News