
Seasons Greetings From Community Leaders

December 22nd, 2020 · No Comments

A little holiday cheer from Filipino community leaders to help lighten your load and bring a smile to your faces this time of the year. (Messages arranged in alphabetical order.)

It has been a difficult and challenging year for everyone. Amidst the threats of a dreaded virus and uncertainties of life, let us enjoy the Christmas season and end 2020 on a positive and cheerful note. From the Board and members of the Filipino Community Cooperative, here’s to a fresh and better year ahead. Stay safe and healthy.  

It’s been a year full of twists and turns and still being rocked with COVID 19. However, it did help me realize my forte, flexibility and adaptability. As I say adieu to 2020, I am deeply thankful for the blessings I have of the year.

This time, some Christmas parties are replaced with small gatherings while Holy Masses are replaced with virtual congregations. However, the spirit of Christmas still lives within us. So let’s continue celebrating the happy moments in life and Merry Christmas !

Despite the devastating circumstances that we have encountered throughout the year, may we welcome Christmas with the readiness to impart His love and blessings and to overcome the challenges that the world faces today with prayers and solidarity.

I want to thank all Filipinos who carry out essential roles and selflessly continue their duties in support of the wider community.  It is truly appreciated and every hour of your hard work bring us closer together.

The PLCAA – Philippine Language and Cultural Association of Australia, wishes the Filipino Community, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Greetings: As we celebrate this joyous season, may your Christmas be filled with all that’s meaningful to you. Christmas is God’s gift to us.  From my family to yours, we wish you all peace, a better year with greater freedom in 2021.

May peace, love and kindness reign in our hearts as we celebrate Christmas and usher in the New Year.  2020 was a tough year but we are tougher!  May 2021 be a year of healing and a celebration of the strength of humanity We shall overcome! We shall prevail!

2020 has been a very challenging year to say the least. We’ve been hit with floods, bush fires, drought and the Covid 19 pandemic. Isolation and missing out on special occasions with our relatives and friends prevailed.  

Added to these challenges, was the Filipino Community problem courtesy of the PCC-NSW 2020 Board. The undercurrent has been felt through most of the year and has been quite exhausting especially for PCC’s concerned Past Presidents. We are now in the last weeks of 2020 and I am not optimistic for a resolution to this problem before the year ends. 

But “there is always a light at the end of the tunnel” so let us hope that 2021 will be a more harmonious  and prosperous year for everyone.  I wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and a wonderful and Happy New Year!!!

I wish all family, friends and everyone , a very Merry Christmas and a brighter ,  Happy 2021!

The Year 2020 has been plagued with the Covid 19 Pandemic which brought havoc to the economic  lives of millions, and thousands of deaths throughout the world. I’m optimistic that  the timely arrival of the miracle vaccine will bring a lot of hope to everyone and bring life back to normalcy in the new year.

Isaiah 9:6 KJV“[6] For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

As we celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ, let us reflect on the true meaning of His coming down to Earth to die for our sins. Covid 19 has reminded us of how fleeting our life is and has uncovered the uncertainties, fear, helplessness and despair that we face every day. A mere virus has turned our world upside down ! But don’t despair, our God is sovereign; He has everything in control. Let us all do our responsibilities of social distancing, use of face mask/ face shield, washing of our hands avoiding social gatherings/ crowds and seriously consider getting a vaccination.

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous, better 2021 !

Greetings! May the spirit of Christmas fill your homes with Joy, Love and Peace. Best wishes for a Prosperous, Healthy and a Happy New Year!!!

I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to the entire Filipino community across Australia, for the leadership and the many volunteers who have worked tirelessly to support our community in such a tough year plagued by challenges from bushfires to COVID-19.

Pasko (Christmas) truly is a time to be thankful and extend generosity to others as our community does every day. On behalf of the Filipino Communities Council of Australia (FILCCA) and my own family, I wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas and hope 2021 brings prosperity to all.  Maligayang Pasko sa inyong lahat at Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

I express my profound thanks to our Lord God Almighty for sustaining us all in this very challenging pandemic year 2020. With the Lord’s blessing, I heartily wish my family members, relatives, friends near and far, and everyone in our Fil-Oz community a joyful Christmas holidays, a peaceful, safe & healthy 2021.

Despite all the challenges we face, there’s always a reason to be grateful and be merry this festive season.

As we go through this massive shift in our realities, it is inevitable that we as humans shall evolve the way we think, the way we see and co-exist in the society and in the world. These changing times has offered us so many learnings and realisations, and it is up to us how we respond in a way that will give us favourable outcomes. So, look after your health, your body and your mind. Remember that change starts from within us. Find peace, happiness and something to be grateful this Holiday Season. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and see you all in the prosperous 2021!

As Aguman Capampangan Australia celebrates its 30th anniversary, we take the opportunity to thank everyone who supported us through the years.  We wish you all a safe Christmas and may 2021 be better for us.  Dakal  Pung Salamat!

I wish everyone in the Filipino Australian Community a joyful Christmas and safe, bright New Year. As we face the possibility of a new mutant virus, let us strengthen our faith and trust in God. Let us do our part as responsible community members and consider the welfare of others.

Let us remember that Christmas is a miracle that brings the light and love and the darkest days of the year. Let’s hope that the year 2020 exits quietly and the New Year 2021 comes in cheerfully bringing healthy and bright beginnings Wishing everyone’s God’s blessings and grace all through the years.

2020 has been a very unfortunate year for some people not only in Australia but all over the world. In spite of the disasters, Australia’s economy has been resilient.

This year is Flagcom’s 10th year anniversary and we’ve been so lucky to receive recognition for our participation in the Sydney Mardi Gras. Despite the fact that some are still not so accepting of the gay community, we assure you that we shall continue to promote Community Harmony and Social Cohesion. Flagcom wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2021.  Please take care always. God Bless us all!!!

We’re like tea bags. Hot water brings out the best in us. Coming to the end of the year, we should congratulate ourselves for overcoming the challenges and changes.  We couldn’t change the situation but we still managed to help others and we sustained the association despite the difficulties. With much gratitude, we celebrate UPAAA’s 40th anniversary and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

2020 has been a difficult and a challenging time for all of us due to COVID 19 pandemic. With technology, we overcame these obstacles and continue to get connected with each other. It will be a different Christmas this year but the love for Jesus, our family and fellowmen remains strong as we welcome the birth of Jesus. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Better New Year.

Christmas is a magical season. Christmas brings love, joy and togetherness with families, the community and friends. Despite the pandemic, I found love, peace, and resilience with my loved ones and friends.  Here’s to more blessings in the New Year (2021), and may the good and bad times we shared in the past year become the golden memories of tomorrow.

It’s been a challenging 2020 but with hope and faith, we shall overcome. Have a blessed Christmas and a Prosperous 2021.

To Samar Association of Australia members, their families, all our friends and the Filipino community: may the light of Jesus Christ shine brightly this yuletide season and lead you all to the best opportunities in life.

“Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect. The best is yet to come.” Wishing you all a Happy & Safe Christmas, and a blessed New Year 2021!

Every day we wake up to praise God for yet another day; for the fresh air that we breathe and the beautiful surrounds of plants and flowers spared from the dreaded Covid 19 Virus. This pandemic era has brought us the realization to have a “metanoia” – a change of heart, a change of attitude and a change of values. Life is still beautiful and the world is a wonderful place to live.  Savour this Christmas full of merriment and may the New Year be full of hope! 

To all Handog Pinoy donors, supporters and friends, please have a covid safe Merry Christmas’ celebrations and a safe and healthy New Year.  May our tribe prosper and multiply!

It’s been a very challenging year but we showed how resilient we are. We overcame the obstacles. We wish you the best for the holidays and may we continue to thrive in 2021. Stay Safe.

This year has been like no other.  Our normal way of celebrating Christmas with loved ones, families and friends has been halted due to the global pandemic.  To all of you unable to be present at family gatherings, God bless your Christmas celebrations from a distance.  Peace on earth and love for everyone is the message of Christmas.  After all, Jesus is the reason for the season.  We are all in this together and we bring our Christmas from the SONATA family to yours, in 2020 and let’s ride on to the new year with new hope, aspirations and challenges.  We’ll keep singing to brighten your hearts in the new year.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

And last but not least, from the publisher and editor of Filipin-Oz: We hope we’ve informed; we hope we’ve kept you entertained. Thank you for taking the time to read us. We’ll continue to keep you up to date with news on the Filipino community in Australia. All the best for the holidays and 2021. Stay safe.

22 December 2020

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