
One more for the Champ – Bevan Calvert

March 16th, 2021 · No Comments

By Benjie de Ubago

Only a few weeks ago, Bevan Stuart Calvert scored the “Surprise Athlete of the Year” in Keil Region, in Europe. Although most athletes in the competition were from Europe, Bevan, a Filipino-Australian stood out and was voted the winner of the competition conducted by Kieler Nachrichten newspaper.

His mother’s excitement has not yet worn off, when he received another award to add to his many accolades. It’s one more for “the Champ”, as his mother proudly calls him.

As part of the awarding of the Premier’s Multicultural Community Medals, Bevan received the “2021 Village Plaza Sports Medal of the Year”.

One more for the champ, Bevan Calvert.

The award was given during the Premier’s Harmony Dinner held at the International Convention Centre last Saturday, March 13, 2021.

(L-R) Ms. Bronwyn Thomson, CEO of Australian Handball, Violi and John Calvert,
Bevan’s parents.

As Bevan is still in Europe tied up with the THW Kiel German team, his parents, John and Violi Calvert received the award on his behalf along with Ms. Bronwyn Thomson, CEO and Secretary General for Australian Handball. Bevan was nominated by Charles Chan of Bayanihan radio for his outstanding performances in the sport of handball and some of those who supported the nomination were Ms. Bronwyn Thomson of Australian Handball and Ms. Carmen Garcia, President of Filipino Community Council of Australia (FILCCA).

Bevan’s passion and dedication for the sport continues to inspire other athletes to push and go beyond their own boundaries.

(See also previously written article “Bevan Makes History.”)

16 March, 2021

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