By Demi Robinson
The Sydney Sonata Singers presented a $700.00 cheque to the Calvary Henley Manor Aged Care at Doonside, NSW last Friday, 18 August 2023. This generosity of spirit was as promised at their successful cultural concert last 26 June to donate part of the proceeds of their raffle draw.

The Sonata Singers, consist of the Senior members of the Filipino-Australian community. The Sonata singers were happy to share their blessings with the residents of the aged care facility as well their talent. The not-so-young and frail residents enjoyed a repertoire of musical entertainment from the traditional folk songs to the classical and modern tunes of today. The gift giving was secondary; the entertainment to the residents was second to none.

Business Manager, Demi Robinson addressed the cheerful and keen residents and spoke of SONATA’s history as a successful singing group. Now celebrating their 16th year anniversary with their June 2023 cultural concert, the SONATA’s brand and the passion for their music is unmistakably visible within the community. To add to their list of awards, SONATA was one of the 11 recipients of the 2023 NSW Local Seniors Achievement Award last February 2023. This is the highest accolade received by a choral seniors group. This clearly demonstrates the beautiful musical journey of SONATA as they continue to share their voices in the ensuing years.
SONATA’s aura in the community translates not only about its resilience and community spirit having overcome adversaries in the past years but also being able to show love and affection to the most vulnerable members of our society, the elderly. SONATA has become a dynamic agent in promoting the Philippine culture, arts and heritage which are now deeply embedded in the culturally diverse Australian community.
The re-elected Executive and Cultural Officers of SONATA took their oath of office last 12th August 2023 with the inducting Officer, Consul Manny Guzman, Philippine Consulate General , Sydney. During the brief induction program, Consul Guzman quipped that he was so privileged to have sung the national anthems with the Sonata Singers. He spoke highly of the Sonata Singers and commended their continued efforts in promoting the best of talent and heritage through music.
Sonata President Buddy Japon and Choirmaster Loy Tagudin also gave their inspirational talks to the members and encouraged them to continue reconnecting with the community, to motivate one another, to be strong, committed, healthy and to enjoy life to the fullest.
20 Aug 2023